Sunday, March 19, 2006

Apathy, Coincidences and The Prophecy

Well, I discovered just now that it's just short of three months since my last message, so I figured it was time to once again fill cyberspace with some ramblings.

It's not been apathy, really, as much as it's been preoccupation with work and school, keeping up with family, and laziness! I've decided it's time to get back into doing something healthy, and part of that is actually writing, no matter what it is!

I've been reading a book called The Celestine Prophecy this past week, and I am hooked. It is farfetched in some minor ways, but then who am I to say that in 500 years everything we need won't be completely automated?! The most profound thing about the book is the coincidence theory. That, of course, leads to everything else in the Prophecy, but it's the coincidence thing that had me hooked.

I was going to read this book when it first came out and was being hyped, and then just kind of forgot about it. I was having a cocktail with the Island Girls and Tri-Lams sororities the other day, when I met a woman from campus who I have known only in name on emails. We began to talk about something, and I commented on what a coincidence it was that we should meet then, because of something that was said. She looked at me and asked if I'd read "The Celestine Prophecy," I said no but I'd been meaning to, and she offered to send me her copy. I got in through campus mail the next day, and have been reading it since. I now understand more of why the book says there are no coincidences. There are no "chance" encounters. Everything is meant to be, and I guess I've believed it all along.

For example, I had breakfast at the local cafe with Son One, Spouse One and his parents, and his aunt and uncle. I was fortunate to sit near Aunt One, who is a wonderful lady, and we began to talk about Uncle One's hearing problems. I realized that we both, indeed, had messages for each other, like the book says. (Okay fine, I've gone around the bend, but bear with me here!!)

So we talked, she told me of Uncle's need to have his hearing aids replaced, her dislike of driving to the CITY to have them dealt with, and wishes there were some place closer to go. I am also in need of having my audio abilities checked and my hearing aids replaced. So, I told her about the clinic I go to, explained to her my experience, and offered the contact info. Now I'm thinking that since we both have to travel there, why not help them out by taking them with me? So I told her I'd email her the info. She then informed me that they now have a new email address, and shared that with me, and oh-by-the-way, "I have a blog," said Cyber Aunt. I was amazed. Her daughter-in-law set this up for her so she could share things with the whole family and vice versa. So I looked for it, found it, and sent her a comment, welcoming her to the world of blogging, and giving her a "rah-rah."

Tell me these things are pure coincidence. There are messages here, that we each had for each other, and it's exciting to be able to see them when they arrive.

Now, you can chuckle and say I've completely lost my mind, but I've been writing about coincidences for years, and have become more and more attuned to them happening. Because of this reading, I'm beginning to believe that these encounters are not so coincidental, after all! They may not be, as the book describes, spiritual or mind-changing, but it's still interesting to understand how they happen, and to see where they lead. Besides, giving and getting help and energy from each other is a pretty cool outcome for a "coincidence."

Read it, if for no other reason that to understand what the heck I'm talking about!
