Happy Passover!
This is the weekend of Passover, and to friends who are more Jewish than I, Chag Sameach!! To those who do not understand Hebrew, that means "joyous festival."
According to this wonderful website I found a long time ago, Judaism 101, www.jewfaq.org, even non-observant Jews will attend a Pesach seder. Passover is a wonderful holiday, and even for those of us who are not Jewish but were exposed to the Bible as we grew up, we all understood that Passover was a good thing! This biblical event led to the release of the Jews from slavery.
Because I am such a soft touch for animals, I have a little problem with the historic slaughter of the sacrificial lamb, but understand the intent! But Passover, like so many holidays and celebrations in every other religion, centers around tradition and food. Who could find a problem with that? Where there's food, there am I!! The unleavened bread signifies the removal of arrogance or puffiness from the soul, and also originates with the fact that the Jews had no time to allow their bread to rise as they fled Egypt. Perhaps if I attached even a fraction of such significance with every bite of food I take, I would be much slimmer and healthier!! The point is that the every aspect of the celebration holds some thoughtful significance and reminder. A very nice way to celebrate, I must say.
To my good friend, AB, Shalom! And have a wonderful celebration!
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