The end of an era...
Actually, it's only "the end of a semester," but "end of an era" sounds so much more literary and cranial!!
Tomorrow is, in fact, the last day of our academic year here at this institution of higher learnin' and it's come none too soon! Since I'm an "adult learner" pursuing the degree that for so long eluded me, I fall in the ranks of the other more traditional students on this campus who are streaming out of the classrooms, and out of the dorms, embarking on whatever the summer and/or future might have in store for them. On the other hand, I know what the summer/future has in store for me. Since I'm also an employee of this here institution, I won't have the luxury of leaving town for points "home" when the sun falls on this semester. Damn. I'd really like the change of heading somewhere else!
And, as if it isn't enough of a slap that the students get to fly away, so do many of the faculty and teaching staff. They are often gone almost as soon as the students, to pursue whatever pursuits they pursue during the summer months. Some attend school, some teach online, some travel. I stay. The summer for me is a time to update, upgrade, upload... and prepare for the fall semester.
Sound like whining? It's not, for the summer is a great time to be here. It's quiet, the campus is beautiful and peaceful, and the schedule isn't nearly so grueling. And there are lots of opportunities for vacations and days off here and there.
Besides, if I stay, I get paid. Not a bad option. If I stay, I continue to get benefits. Also not a bad option. And if I stay, I get to keep the job. At least until I screw up, which could happen any day. I'll work on avoiding that.
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